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We offer many easy Fun And Sun outdoor things to do in addition to renting Fun And Sun outdoor gear. Choose among self guided river, harbor and marsh trips for the entire family, sailing, paddle and pedal river plus bike excursions, and "Bike and Brew". So scroll down, look around and decide how you would like to explore and enjoy our beautiful part of Maine.
These are scenic, easy, and convenient self guided river trips by kayak or stand up paddle board on our local rivers. Go on your schedule any time between 9:00 and 2:30. No minimum number of people and we will not combine you with another group. Please make a reservation as this trip is very popular and often sells out.
The picture above shows part of the most popular trip where you will enjoy the beauty of Maine's largest salt water marsh with its many inhabitants while while you paddle with the current on smooth water. Easy and fun for all skill levels. You might see Great Blue Heron and Snowy Egrets, Bald Eagles, and Harbor Seals. On clear water days you might see striped bass swim under your kayak or paddle board. Although some say they feel far removed from "civilization" you are never far from shore, and less that two miles from the beach or the trip's "put in" or "take out". Thousands people have enjoyed this trip over the years and it remains our most popular. It is suitable for almost all ages and abilities. Children and teenagers usually love it. All that's needed is an adequate attention span and the desire to have fun.
The price is $70 for ages 12 and up and $30 under 12. There is no charge for those under 6. The price includes equipment and transportation. Bring a friend who has his/her own boat or board for $20. Keep reading for more details.
Paddle And Pedal
You might want to extend your outing after finishing your Fun And Sun River Trip by adding a scenic and easy bike ride. We’ll meet you with a bike and helmet at the end of your paddle trip (helmet required if under 16 years of age) and take your paddling gear. Ride anywhere at your own pace, but we recommend that you ride on the beautiful Eastern Trail. Ride north on a flat, hard packed, off road trail through the marsh and get an entirely different view of this beautiful place than from your kayak or paddle board. Turn around at the golf course and ride back through the marsh and then through mostly wooded terrain for a great contrasting view. Stay out as long as you like. Return to Fun And Sun by one of several mostly downhill on-road routes for your choice of a total ride of 5 to 20 miles. We’ll review the options with you on your copy of our complimentary bike route map before you leave. The cost is $20 per person in addition to the cost of the River Trip.
HOW IT WORKS. Just call us at (207) 730-1926 to make a reservation. The come to our shop at 10 Snow Canning Road in Scarborough to get briefed on your trip and fitted for a life jacket, and for a bike if you do the Paddle and Pedal trip. That's it. We will explain the trip and answer your questions, then meet you at the put in with the gear. We will meet you at the end of your River Trip and either take your paddling gear so you can leave on your bike adventure or provide ground transportation back to your vehicles for at least your drivers.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE? Paddling time is about one hour and forty five minutes, depending on the speed of the current and how fast you paddle. Allow about two and a half hours from the time you arrive at Fun And Sun Rentals And Tours. You may stay on the river as long as you like. Just be off the river and call us by 430.
WHAT TO WEAR? You will probably get slightly wet below your waist if you take a kayak on the River Trip as we use only sit on top kayaks which have drain holes. A hat and sunglasses are always a good idea on the water.
WHAT TO BRING. Water, sunblock, a dry bag for your phone and keys (ask us for a free loaner if you don't have one).
BEFORE YOU GO. You will be travelling through the heart of the Scarborough Marsh, one of New England's greatest natural resources. Home to many wild creatures and birthplace and nursery to many others. You might want to read a little about it if you have time. Here are links to get you started.
Stop at any restaurant or pub in our local delivery area. Enjoy a meal or relax with a drink. If you decide to Uber or Lyft back to our shop, no worries. We'll pick up your rented Fun And Sun bike. No extra charge.